Our Advantage


We're independent.

Every project is unique. We don't require you to use specific technologies or vendors, and we aren't confined by a single deal structure. We take the time to understand your unique goals and challenges, and we think creatively to tailor solutions specifically for you. We have full discretion to select the best technologies from trusted manufacturers  for your clean energy generation and storage needs. And we understand that every investment group has different preferences and risk tolerances: we bring the right investor to your project.

We're agile, responsive & bureaucracy-free.

We make decisions quickly, and we turn work around as quickly. Our lines of communication are open and direct. We bring optimal performance, reliability and economics to each and every project, from start to finish.

We take the risk out of your project.

With 100% financing options and no up-front costs, we’ll manage your project through completion and leave you with a trusted long-term operations partner. Our combined decades of experience in contracting, financial underwriting and development means we can anticipate and head off any bumps in the road and protect your interests, while keeping your project on a steady path forward.


For every client, we offer solar and energy storage solutions.

Some groups focus on solar power generation. Some do energy storage. We do both, and more.

Our Process

We're not locked into one product solution, we solve for your unique project.



Every successful project starts with a full understanding of the needs of the customer. SPF carefully evaluates your current energy use in the context of your operations, the regulatory environment and other factors.


Based on our evaluation of your specific needs, we build the right team of partners to create the best energy solution, maximizing performance and economics.


With the right team and system design in place, SPF will execute the development plan: we'll shepherd the project through permitting, contracting and construction, on time and on budget.


The energy industry is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and we are evolving with it. We'll work with you for the long-term to ensure your generation, storage and demand needs are met, year after year.